5410 Newport Dr. #24 • Rolling Meadows, IL 60008PHONE (847) 259-8900 • FAX (847) 259-1300Internet: www.nitek.net • E-mail: [email protected]
TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
IntroductionTwisted Sender has been designed by NITEK to transmitvideo signals over a point to point pair of wires. The wire shouldbe free of voltage
System SpecificationsPage 2TS515 System includes the following:(1) VB37F Transmitter(1) TR515 Receiver(1) 12VDC wall power transformerTR515 System inc
Page 3Step 1)Check the twisted pair for continuity. Do this by shortingthe pair of wires at one end and use an ohm meter to check theresistance at the
Page 4Installation - continuedStep 5)Locate the twisted pair input terminals of the receiver,marked “Wire Pair +” and “Wire Pair -”. Connect the twis
Page 5TroubleshootingVideo inverted or rolling and unstable.• Reverse the wires of the twisted pair at either the transmitter or receiver.No video o
Page 6Twisted Sender ReceiverTwisted Sender Transmitter1.55"(40)2.00"(51)1.30"(33).95"(24)4.30"(109)3.30"(84)2.40"(
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